Select Fertilizer According The Soil And Plant Needs

By Keith Markensen

Despite the fact that they grow to great lengths and cover large areas, the majority of vines in soil of average fertility do not need especially frequent or heavy applications of fertilizer.

In fact, too much food may cause growth so vigorous you can't keep the vine under control, and may even stimulate development of stems and foliage at the expense of flowers. The type of fertilizer depends on the vine itself, on the results of a soil test, or on available kinds and brands.

Fertilizers are organic (composed entirely of animal or vegetable matter), inorganic (chemical, or "commercial"), or a combination. They may be soluble (can be held in suspension in water) or not. "Balanced" or "complete" fertilizers, containing all the elements known to be needed for plant growth and health, are good for general use. Always follow package directions on quantities and frequency of application.

Occasionally a vine or a soil analysis will indicate the need for some deficient element, and you will select a fertilizer accordingly just like in lawn fertilizing, you need to know lawn fertilizer numbers to choose the right one. Nitrogen may be needed to encourage the development of shoots and leaves; phosphorus to boost flowering and fruiting; potash to strengthen stems and increase resistance to disease. Relative proportions of these three main elements are indicated on fertilizer packages and bags by a series of three figures, like 5-10-5, indicating the ratio of pounds per ton of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash in that order. The statement that minor or trace elements are present may also be included.

An established vine may be fertilized once - or at the most, twice - a year, during the season of active growth. Don't feed plants immediately after flowering, or when dormancy is approaching. Dry fertilizers are sprinkled over the soil, scratched in, and carried down to the roots by rain and watering. Soluble fertilizers can be applied at the same time the vine is watered, or used for foliar feeding and sprayed on the leaves in recommended amounts. - 31813

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Lawn Care Made Possible

By Ian Cordingley

Some consider that the only option to have a very beautiful lawn would be to hire a specialist lawn care company to take on all their lawn care. Whether or not they want to do organic lawn care or practice conventional ways, there are some straightforward things that can permit the lawn to grow with no excess weeds or other pests that hinder a healthy, vibrant lawn.

Soil Maintenance

In the spring and early fall it is important to take a few simple steps to take care of the soil underneath the lawn. First, soil gets compacted so the root system of the grass is as well too tightly compacted. The process to solve this is to pull plugs from the grass to be able to increase aeration. There are machines that a person can rent so that you can aerate the lawn.

Additionally, there are some lawn care companies that will come out twice a year so as to aerate the lawn. Either way, the plugs should be left on the lawn so that they can decompose and add nutrients to the lawn, helping it to grow.

One additional essential lawn care idea for the spring and early fall would be to test the soil's properties to determine what nutrients it could be missing. There are simple soil testing kits that can be obtained at garden supply retailers that can tell what particular nutrients the soil is missing.

Once the test is carried out, the specific fertilizer needs to be acquired that fits the deficiencies. After the fertilizer is added to the lawn, usually some will fall on the sidewalk and driveway. This should be swept back onto the lawn so that it does not get wasted and run into the sewer with the rainfall.

Unwanted pests

There are several pests that must be taken care of in lawn care for instance grubs. In the spring, a section of grass is required to be pulled up to verify if there are grubs within the root system. If there are, one solution to it is to buy nemotodes from a garden supply store or catalogue. Nemotodes are microscopic worms that'll kill the grub larvae so that the grubs never are capable of have an impact on the roots.

So as to kill other pests, shrubs and trees need to be selected and planted around the yard to attract birds which will eat these insects. Furthermore, ladybugs and green lacewings can be bought from garden supply stores that'll in addition help to fight destructive insects from destroying the lawn. - 31813

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Natural Fertilizer, Your Garden's Best Friend

By Tina Hull

There's no doubt about it. Natural fertilizer is the only way to go when it comes to fertilizing our lawns, gardens and crops. How did anyone ever conceive that applying chemicals to our plants, food and soil could help anything in the long run? If an alien were to visit our planet and saw us applying chemicals to the plants we eat, hed have to question our intelligence. Natural fertilizer is the only way to go if we want to keep our bodies and our planet healthy.

Some could argue that their grass is greener because of the chemicals they use on their lawn, but I bet they haven't tried a quality natural fertilizer. Many natural fertilizers deliver the same results, if not better, and without any negative repercussions. Only positive benefits for our environment will be left behind.

The damage that synthetic fertilizers do to our environment are not worth the temporary benefits we MIGHT experience. We can avoid all of the negativity by simply using a natural fertilizer and ditching the man-made garbage.

If you can't understand or pronounce the ingredients in the fertilizer that you're using then you're most likely not using a natural fertilizer. Fish emulsion happens to be an outstanding organic fertilizer that has been used safely for centuries.

When using an all natural fertilizer you'll be able to sleep at night knowing that you aren't adding any harmful chemicals into our environment. They don't just disappear. Even if they evaporate, they end up in the atmosphere in some form. If they drain out of the garden they end up in ground water, sewers, and eventually into a water supply of some sort. Any way you shake a stick at it, synthetic fertilizers can't be justified.

Natural fertilizer has made a path of its own. You can compare plants grown with synthetic fertilizer to those grown with a natural fertilizer and the results are undeniable. Natural fertilizer is the only way to go.

You wont have a single worry about harming any critters that may happen to visit your yard when using a natural fertilizer. Children can run around carefree and barefoot, and no one will fret over whether or not they washed their feet before they shot through the back door.

Using a natural fertilizer is a no-brainer. Needless risks will be a thing of the past. No benefits can come from using a synthetic fertilizer, any which way you slice it. The benefits that shine from using a natural fertilizer will enhance your lawn, gardens, crops and most of all your life! - 31813

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Don't Turn Your Soil Into An Addict Keep Your Soil Fertilizer Organic

By Tina Hull

Synthetic fertilizer turns your soil into an addict, becoming chemically dependent just to get the job done, and not even necessarily a good job done. Fish emulsion is a great natural soil fertilizer. It keeps your soil working for your plants as well and jolts earthworms into delivering the fishes nutrients to your plants root systems. Soil fertilizer should help the environment, not deplete it.

Synthetic soil fertilizer only destroys your soil and all of the nutrients that occur naturally. Natural soil fertilizer supports these natural nutrient delivery systems that are already in place, and won't get your soil addicted maybe just craving fish emulsion, but wont shut down without like chemically dependent soil.

Fish emulsion is a premium soil fertilizer, distributing nutrients quick as lightning. It doesn't pollute groundwater like synthetic fertilizers do. It also clings to the soil, meaning you aren't literally letting your money run down the drain during a good rain storm.

Soil is fertile and crammed with beneficial vitamins, minerals and amino acids when fish emulsion is used as your primary soil fertilizer. You'll be able to plant worry-free next season knowing that your soil is still rich, unlike planting after a season of using a synthetic fertilizer. Keeping our earth organic is a huge part of keeping our planet livable. Organic soil fertilizer keeps everything underground natural, as well as what it produces above ground and ultimately our bodies are the true beneficiaries.

Fish emulsion promotes microbial activity that is vital to healthy plant growth. Synthetic fertilizer just kills all natural activity in the soil, leaving your soil craving chemicals. The worst soil fertilizer in existence is man-made fertilizer. They deliver temporary results, and are designed to make you come back to them for more. Synthetic fertilizer manufacturers are the drug dealers of the fertilizer industry.

Soil should be chemical free in order to keep your veggies and your body chemical free. Soil fertilizer is key to keeping your soil healthy, so keeping it organic keeps everything else along the chain in check. Toxins in your food drag you down and rob you of energy. By keeping your soil free and clear of chemicals, you'll keep your food and your body free and clear.

The damage that's been done to our planet, just from the chemicals we've used on our lawns, gardens and crops, is monstrous. The soil that feeds us needs to be cherished. By using the same toxic methods that we've been using, were just going down a doomed path. Too much soil is addicted to synthetic fertilizers, and its time to get back to natural methods of fertilization.

I'm sure you've heard that if you aren't part of the problem then you're part of the solution, or vice versa. Let's all go green and be a part of the solution. We can't go wrong when we go green and keep our soil fertilizer organic. It isn't as crazy as it sounds. Soil fertilizer is a significant part of keeping our planet here and our society thriving to see the next century. - 31813

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The Guide To Treating And Caring f\For Your Roses

By Steve Williams

Small black circular spots on your roses' leaves, with fringed edges, are signs of a disease known as the Black Spot. It is usually best to remove the affected leaves, and not to allow any to remain on or around the area surrounding the flowers, as they may cause the disease to spread to other plants. Artificial sprays may be used to treat this.

If you notice that the canes of your roses seem stunted or malformed, they probably have a fungal disease known as powdery mildew. Evidence of this is seen on the plant in white powder spread by the wind, and the leaves will start to curl and turn purple. It is best to treat the plant with Funginex or Benomyl to treat this fungal disease.

If you start to see orange-red blisters begin to form on leaves that turn black during the fall, you should collect the leaves that come down in the fall, as they are signs of a disease called rust. Removal of the leaves is important as the disease can survive the winter and attack new sprouts in the spring. Spray with Benomyl or Funginex every 7-10 days.

If the leaves or the flowers of the plant appear to be stunted or malformed, you may have spider-mites living on the rose. They are easily found, yellow, red, or green spiders usually found on the undersides of the leaves, where they proceed to suck the juice from leaves. Use Orthene or Isotox to take care of the infestation.

If you see small red, green, or brown bugs under your plants, you have an infestation of aphids. Tell-tale signs of an infestation are mottled leaves and small white webs underneath the leaves. Oft-times the bugs will be found clustered under leaves or near the tender buds, where they will suck the juices. You can use Diazinon or Malathion to clear the infestation.

If your flowers don't open, or are deformed when they open, Thrips could be the reason behind the problem. They are slender, brown-yellow bugs with fringed wings that also suck juices from flower buds. Cut and discard the infested flowers. Orthene and malathion may also treat this problem. - 31813

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Your Garden and You

By Sam Bousaks

Most people don't understand how much water a plat really needs. A lot of the time, watering a plant too much can kill it, so use this tip to check if your plant needs watering. Put your finger into the soil up to the first joint, and if it comes out dry, you need to water the plant.

Foliage plants usually require more nitrogen than flowering plants, which require K2O. Slow release fertilizers can be mixed with the compost, while certain plants, like cacti and orchids, need special fertilizer. Feed plants during their most active growth period.

Make sure to check the label to see what kind of environment your plant comes from. Some plants, like the spider plants need semi-shade, and can be put near a window that does not get a lot of sun, while others can only grow if they are in the sun at all times, and the environment is the most important part of plant growth.

Some houseplants can survive in cool or warm temperatures, but drastic changes in temperature may not be good for them. One thing that most plants cannot survive is gas heating. If you have a plant that thrives in warm conditions, don't put it near an air conditioner during the summer.

Some houseplants require a humid environment. One way to maximize humidity is to put the pot inside a larger pot and fill in the gaps with stones or compost to keep in the moisture. Grouping plants together often creates a microclimate that they will benefit from. Depending on the temperature, you can spray plants with water once or twice a day.

While a house plant can grow in a pot, some plants will eventually need to be re-potted or moved. Sometimes a re-potting is helpful, while sometimes it will disturb the plants and it will not take well. A great way to check it to upturn your plant. If all you see are roots,its time to re-pot! - 31813

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Robomow Review: Is it Any Good?

By Ryan Stubbs

Robomow products have been developed to make your lawn mowing experience more convenient. They mow your lawn automatically while you relax or take care of other tasks. Robomow has four different models, all of which mow automatically. They leave their base station on the scheduled days and times, and then return to the base station once the job is done. The machines batteries begin to charge as soon as they make it back to the base station.

Robomow has four main models, with the RM200 being the smallest. It can be used on lawns up to 2700 sq ft. If your yard is a little larger, the Robomow RM400 mows lawns in dimensions of 3200 to 4300 sq ft. Both models weight about 39 pounds, sit 12 inches high, are 25 inches long, and 20.5 inches wide. Both can also mow grass from .8 to 3.15 inches.

Robomow has an RL850 for lawns up to 10,700 sq ft in size, and an RL1000 for lawns between 12,900 and 17,200 sq ft. Which size model you need may depend upon the type of grass and lawn conditions in your mowing space. The RL1000 is the top of the line model that was designed specifically for large domestic lawns.

The RL850 and RL1000 are obviously the larger Robomow products and weight 50 pounds with a 28 pound power pack. They measure 35 inches long, 26 inches wide, and 12.5 inches high. They boast a powerful three-blade mulching system that can mow grass from 1.75 to 3.25 inches while using high-cut blades, of 1 to 1.25 inches when using low-cut blades. They are equipped with knobby wheels that are very helpful when mowing lawns with high grass or on sloping and bumpy ground.

The Robomow RM400 and RL1000 series models have a buzzer that sounds five minutes before it begins mowing in order for owners to clear the mowing area. All Robomow products come in a green color and are equipped with security options like "child guard," for your children's protection.

Robomow products are normally priced anywhere from $1200 to $1500, depending upon the size you need. The only color Robomow products are offered in is green. They are available at numerous department stores, as well as online at websites like and - 31813

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How to Use Vines in Your Garden for Almost Anything

By Laura Whitston

There are many ways to add some flare to your garden, and some become more expensive and very complicated. A fool-proof and inexpensive way to do it is with the use of vines. Got a fence that sticks out in your garden? Grow a vine over it to quickly cover up that unsightly fence. Whatever you want to do, there is a fence for you.

If you are looking for something to go on the ground, there are many varieties of ground vines to suit your needs. Ground vines grow fast and strong along the ground. They are very easily directed, so you can even use them to make a border around your garden, or just have them weave through plants.

Along with ground vines, "twining" vines are vines that make their way up a lattice or any equally porous surface by sending out small tendrils that latch on and loop onto whatever is close enough to reach in their search for the sun. While they require a lot of direction at first, once these vines have grown a bit, they require almost no care.

The most easily recognizable is vine is Ivy. it is seen around a lot, generally because it is so adaptable, and can fill in for pretty much anything. Ivy makes a great ground cover, and will grow up about any surface you put it on. Beware, though, as it grows quick and strong. It isn't recommended for growth on a home, as recently buildings which have had ivy for many years have found that it has been deteriorating the

Not only can vines improve your garden's appearance, they can also be used in very architecture of your house, usually achieved through the use of twining vines, or a vine like the Virginia Creeper which can cover and entire wall of your house in a matter of months. Vines can be a great idea to cover up a wall adjacent to your garden, but care should be taken as some vines can take over your home!

No matter what the need is, and no matter where you want to put them, vines have no problem meeting your needs. You should always look into the vine you are buying and find out about the pros and cons of having the vine growing near your home, as some vines can take over or even destroy your home. - 31813

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What You Might Want To Know About Patio Covers

By John Godspeed Smith

It is a great to have a patio where you can enjoy the summers. A patio allows you to enjoy the outdoors right at your door step. However, the sun sometimes creates a problem. It is then that the need of a patio cover is felt. Besides shielding you from sun, rain and UV rays, patio covers also enhance the value of your property. A good patio cover can change the look of your house.

The most popular cover is the simple concrete roof, which can be easily constructed in a short time and can be surprisingly cheap. Construction of such a cover involves all the necessary support structures like beams, posters and rafters. The cover can be free standing or attached to the house.

To avoid hassles you can also go in for a lightweight cover that can be easily installed. Such covers are made from plastic that allows diffused sunlight into the patio. Such translucent plastic shade covers can be very useful in colder climes where you don't want to totally block out the sun. Plastic shades or covers are useful in patios that grow plants.

Canvas covers can be the right choice for removable covers. Canvas covers are cheap and come in many eye-catching colors and designs. But durability of canvas is rather poor. Canvas, however, can be easily replaced or removed for temporary storage.

Other cover materials include fiber glass and plastic panels. They come cheap but cannot be easily stored during off seasons. One disadvantage with fiberglass and plastic panels is that they allow light and heat and thus create a greenhouse effect. These materials are therefore not suitable for hot climes.

Wood of various kinds is widely used to construct patio covers. Wood covers come in various price points. The cheapest wood cover can be made from lath, lattice or grape stakes. The more expensive varieties of wood are used to construct the more expensive patio covers. Wooden covers are more comfortable since they allow air circulation.

You can also have wooden covers where less wood is used. Instead of wood, vines are used for partial or total cover. But such a wood should be strong enough to bear the weight of wet vines during winter.

The selection of the cover material would be largely determined by the architectural style of your house. The building styles of the patio cover and the house should complement each other. There are several websites and home improvement stores where you can get useful tips on the subject. - 31813

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The Soil Doctor - What Is In The Dirt?

By Thomas Fryd

If your house plants are not growing well, here are a few generalizations to help decide whether or not the problem originates in the soil mixture. An over-heavy mix (contains too much clay-like soil, not enough humus or sand) packs hard in the pot, which in turn makes it is difficult to moisten or thoroughly wet; the result is that the plants make little or no growth.

Conversely, a light mix - one that drains fast and holds no water - has no "substance," dries out too fast, so the plant suffers from lack of moisture, wilts and dries up. This may result from too much humus, or sand, or both. Where there is an oversupply of humus, the soil mixture may be constantly soggy. If there is too much sand, water runs through the pot so fast it is of little or no benefit to the plant. A soil mixture for hanging baskets that may dry out quickly can go heavier on humus; but for pots to be set inside watertight containers, go easy with humus and heavier with sand.

Plants can be grown in several types of sterile mediums, without any soil at all. Coarse sphagnum moss is excellent for many plants; but before using it, get complete information on how to water and fertilize. (There is little or no nourishment in these "soil substitutes.") Osmunda fiber is a growing medium for epiphytic, or air-growing plants like bromeliads and orchids. Plants can be grown in vermiculite, a mixture of vermiculite and sphagnum, or equal quantities of these two and peat.

You can find many brands of bagged soils at your local garden center for all kinds of needs. Potted material versus soil for staring plants may be different. These mixes are usually weed free and contain a fertilizer charge to get the plant going or feed the plant over a few months. It is also helpful to avoid lawn fertilizer burn.

These substitutes have the advantage of sterility, and harbor no harmful insects or disease. They also allow you to control a plant's rate of growth. You can induce them to speed up by feeding balanced fertilizer; they will stand still indefinitely without food. - 31813

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Cleaning Patio Furniture : What You Might Want To Know

By John Smith

If you have a patio, then you must have patio furniture. Patio furniture makes a patio enjoyable. In addition, patio furniture is, with few exceptions by no means inexpensive. You must therefore make sure that patio furniture last a long time. Periodic cleaning is one good way to make them last years.

Patio furniture is made from teak, wrought iron, plastic and aluminum. Each of these needs to be cleaned differently. These are discussed below.

Teak Furniture

First apply a teak protectant to your teak furniture. Then clean it with the product suggested by the manufacturer. Alternatively, you can use a 2:1 ratio of bleach detergent and water and clean it with a soft thistle brush. Finally rinse with water to remove any remaining soap or dirt. That is all you need to do if you want to retain the patina.

If you want to restore the original teak color, then there are products available that can remove the patina. It is a process where the teak furniture is treated with caustic and then acid followed by sanding. It is advisable to use sealants, especially meant to protect the original color of the teak.

Wrought Iron

Wrought iron comes made to resist the elements. But sometimes they do get affected and need to be cleaned and given anti rust treatment.

Wrought iron furniture can be easily cleaned with a mild soap water solution. All you need is a cleaning rag soaked in the solution to clean the furniture. Then rinse off the remaining soap solution with a hose. Now allow the furniture to completely dry. Once it is dry, lightly sand the stained and rusted parts. After sanding give a touch-up paint to the treated spots. A touch-up kit is often supplied with the furniture. You can easily do the touch-up job once you have understood the instructions.

Plastic Furniture

Cleaning plastic furniture is simple. Ordinary dishwashing soap and water can be used to clean them. Take sponge soaked in this solution and using it scrub clean the total surface of the furniture. After cleaning, let the solution stay on the furniture for some time. Use a tooth brush to get rid of all the dirt in the crevices. Finally rinse with water and dry under the sun.

Aluminum Furniture

Aluminum patio furniture can also be cleaned efficiently by dishwashing liquid. Use a clean cotton cloth, soaked with the dish washing solution, to get rid of all stains and soils from the aluminum furniture. Use a garden hose to rinse off the soap. Then wipe the furniture dry with a soft cloth. Take a soft dry cloth and use to rub some nonabrasive wax on the aluminum furniture. Wax prevents corrosion. To get shine on the furniture, let the wax dry and then buff it off. - 31813

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The Best Lawn Mower-Are You Looking For One?

By Ian Cordingley

There is a huge selection of lawn mowers on the market, from push and self-propelled mowers to large riding lawn mowers, or lawn tractors, for more sizeable lawns. There are manual mowers, electric mowers, and gasoline engine-powered mowers. The best lawn mowers will both cut and disperse cuttings evenly.

The best lawn mowers are rated on their ability to cut by several different methods, which include bagging, mulching and side discharge. Evaluations also take on handling and ease-of-use, a noise ranking, environmental impact, and last but not the least important safety.

Gasoline engine-powered mowers can have either traditional mower engines or overhead valve engines, but both are considered to be by far the worst by environmental organisations. Manual reel mowers are apparently the best, with electric coming second.

There are numerous choices available to you with gasoline-powered mowers. Just about all newer models have a blade brake clutch, which allows for the user to stop the blade while keeping the mower running. This is of benefit if it is required to stop a great deal to take away debris, or if there is a gravel driveway, this way the mower can be transported without tossing out stones.

Easy adjustments are also important, particularly when rasing and lowering the height of the cut. Some models even have a lever for each wheel, or just two for the front wheels, while more advanced models allow for the user to adjust the height of all four wheels with just one lever.

There are starting options available, as well. The best lawn mowers will start on the first or second pull. Alternatively, some models come with a battery and an electric start or key start ignition. This can be a significant weight-adding option, however.

Lawn tractors have fallen significantly in price in the last few years and they have as well become a great deal more versatile around obstacles like bushes and trees. In addition, most light-duty riding lawn mowers have the ability to add attachments for lawn aerating, towing carts, or even plowing snow. Many models as well permit the user to change speeds and many even have cruise control.

There are a plethora of options to think about when searching for the best lawn mower. Price can be an indicator of performance, but one should invariably consider the cutting method, handling, noise, the impact on the enviroment and the most important ease-of-use. - 31813

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Ideal Height Of Non Fake Grass

By Phil Caxton

Many people have lawns around their houses which enhances the beauty of the house. But it is not just having a huge lawn area which will add to the beauty of the house. For a lawn to look good you have to maintain it well and also trim the growing grass regularly. Trimming too has to be done well. You may undercut the grass or may over cut the grass, but don't take this casually, as this will affect the overall health of the grass as well as the lawn. You should have some basic knowledge about how high the non fake grass should be cut, or else you would instead ruin grass on the lawn.

Mowing different grasses:

One of the easiest methods of trimming the grass is using a mower. Different varieties of grass could grow in your garden, up to different lengths. Depending upon the species of the grass you will be able to understand how tall the grass would grow. One of the most common ones is the Poa Pratensis or the Kentucky bluegrass, which requires fertile soil which is drained well. Height of mowing this grass could be anywhere from 1.5 inches to 2.5 inches.

Another type of grass for example is the Red Fescue whose texture is very fine in comparison to other grasses. It grows well in even soil that is dry and also requires soil which is drained well as it cannot withstand wet soil. This grass can also grow in different other soils like the acid soil, infertile soil and dry soil. Height of mowing this grass could be anywhere from 2 inches to 2.5 inches.

The other grass is the tall Fescue grass which also has a texture which is fine like the Red Fescue. One can use any type of soil to grow this grass, but it grows very well in the best soil that is fertile soil. Mostly found along the waterways, river banks, sloping areas, as well as lawns where transition needs to take place, height of mowing this grass could be anywhere from two to three inches. Determine first the type of grass in the lawn and then maintain the height of it blades.

Don't cut low and don't throw away grass:

When you cut the reasonable one third of the height of the grass, ensure that the grass remains in place, and do not throw it away, because by doing this nitrogen which is like a fertilizer is also fixed into the soil in the process. The new blade that grows receives enough nitrogen which is generated from the decomposed cut grass. Water is also retained within the soil so that the growth rate of the grass also increases. Grass will not survive well if it is cut too low and closer to the ground.

Grass tends to die if cut too low, especially if it is cut during the colder seasons. Excess cut grass can be converted into manure in a pit dug up separately near the lawn. This nutrient rich fertilizer can then be spread over the lawn whenever required. If you just spread this manure on the lawn with the help of your hand, it is just enough to provide fertilizer to the lawn. Cutting the non fake grass helps a great deal in making the lawn look good and inviting. - 31813

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